Tuesday 2 June 2015

difference between soft and hard link in linux...........???


  • Hardlink is possible within the same filesystem

  • Hardlink pointing to the same inode

  • Hardlink cannot create a link for a directory

  • Hardlink does not break even if you change the name of the original file

Softlink (symlink)

  • Softlink is possible in a different filesystem

  • Softlink have different inode 

  • Softlink can be used to create a link for both directory & file

  • Softlink will break if you change the name of the original file because it resolves the name of the file each time you access it through the softlink.

Inode(Index Node):-

Inode is a data structure (or) it is a file structure on a file system, Each inode stores the attributes of the file system objects.Inode contains the following information about the file:-

  • Inode Number
  • File Change (or) Modify Time
  • Owner (user-id of the file) & (group-id of the file)
  • Size of the File 
  • Device ID (this identifies the device containing the file).
  • Disk Block Location
  • Number of links
  • Status flags

To create Softlink in linux:-

Use the following syntax:-
# ln -s <source-file> <link-file>

[root@lenovo ~]# ln -s /var/ftp/pub/file1.txt /softlink/file1.txt

[root@lenovo ~]# ll -ltrh /softlink/
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Jun  8 10:26 file1.txt -> /var/ftp/pub/file1.txt

To unlink the file in linux:-

Use the following syntax:-
# unlink <linkname>
[root@lenovo ~]# unlink /softlink/file1.txt

To create Hardlink in linux:-

Use the following syntax:-
#ln <source-file> <link-file>

[root@lenovo ~]# ln /var/ftp/pub/file2.txt /linkdir/file2.txt
[root@lenovo ~]# ls -li /var/ftp/pub/file2.txt
1181563 -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 0 Jun  8 10:50 /var/ftp/pub/file2.txt
[root@lenovo ~]# ls -li /linkdir/file2.txt
1181563 -rw-r--r--. 2 root root 0 Jun  8 10:50 /linkdir/file2.txt
[Note:-  see after creating hardlink both the files showing same inode number]